DEFECT VIEW - Yarn Defects Visualization
Combination of PROMPT OLO sensor and a high-resolution camera for online image analysis of filament yarn defects
Elkometer 200 - Yarn Defects Detection
At-line system for length- or time-based monitoring of multi- and monofilament yarn for imperfections such as broken filaments, fluff, thin- and thick places etc.
FRAY VIEW - Yarn Defects Detection
Combination of PROMPT FFD sensor and a high-resolution camera for online image analysis of filament yarn defects
PROMPT FFD - Fluff and Fray Detection
Optical sensor for online and real time monitoring of filament yarn for broken filaments (fray) and fluff (slubs) as well as for interlace (entanglements or knots)
PROMPT LAB - Yarn Defects Visualization
Sensor and camera system for online image analysis of filament yarn defects, for laboratory use
PROMPT OLO - Optical Yarn Sensor
Optical sensor for real time online monitoring of defects and vital characteristics of filament yarn
YIS 200 - Yarn Inspection System
Optical system for detection, characterisation and visualization of filament yarn defects such as broken filaments, fluff, yarn breaks as well as yarn properties such as interlace, titer (dtex/den), evenness and diameter.